How To Pay Off Mortgage FAST (UK): Use This £30,000+ Side Hustle

Voice #81

In this enlightening episode, we sit down with Ken, the visionary behind the Humble Penny, a platform dedicated to financial independence and personal finance education. Ken shares his transformative journey from living in a converted garage to achieving financial independence and becoming mortgage-free by the age of 34 alongside his wife, Mary. Through his story, Ken offers invaluable insights into the power of financial discipline, strategic side hustles, and the importance of intentionality in personal finance.

Top Takeaways:

Embracing Financial Independence: Ken discusses how achieving financial independence has profoundly changed his life, allowing him more time with his family, improving his well-being, and enabling him to pursue his passions without financial constraints.

The Impact of Side Hustles: The discussion delves into how Ken and Mary utilized side hustles to significantly increase their income. Ken emphasizes the potential of side hustles to accelerate financial goals, especially when it comes to paying off a mortgage early or investing in wealth-building opportunities.

The Importance of Investing in Yourself: Ken's journey underscores the value of investing in personal development and financial education. His experiences highlight how understanding finances and making informed decisions can lead to substantial improvements in one's financial health.

Overcoming Financial Challenges with Creativity and Determination: From dealing with scarcity and financial struggles in his early years to navigating the complexities of building wealth, Ken shares how resilience, creativity, and a clear vision can transform financial challenges into opportunities. The Role of

Community and Support: Ken attributes a significant part of his success to the support from his wife, Mary, and the importance of being on the same page with one's partner regarding financial goals. He also touches on the positive impact of surrounding oneself with a supportive community and leveraging collective knowledge for personal growth.

A Blueprint for Financial Freedom: The episode provides a blueprint for listeners to follow in their quest for financial freedom. Ken shares practical steps, strategies, and mindset shifts necessary to escape the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and build a more secure financial future.

Giving Back and Empowering Others: Reflecting on his achievements, Ken discusses his mission to give back and empower others through his platform, The Humble Penny. He stresses the importance of using one's financial success to make a positive impact on the lives of others and the community at large.


Order Ken’s new book here: